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International System of Units

The International System of Units, more commonly known as SI or metric system, is a system of measurement. The SI includes a set of standardized quantities and units that can be used to express various magnitudes. These magnitudes include length, mass, time, volume, area, electric current, thermodynamic temperature and many others. It has been officially adopted by most countries around the world.

What are the differences between the Imperial system and The International System of Units?

The International System of Units is the modern, globally-accepted standard for measurement. It is based on seven base units, each of which has a specific measurement (length, area, volume, mass, time, electric current, thermodynamic temperature). The Imperial system was adopted in 1825 and is still in use in the United Kingdom. The system consists of 12 base measurements including inches, feet and yards. The Imperial system is still used in parts of the world where the metric system is impractical to use.

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