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Convert km to inches

Interactive kilometers to inches conversion tool

The km to inches converter below can be used to quickly and easily convert kilometers to inches. Simply enter the number of kilometers you want to convert and the calculator will output the corresponding value in inches.

Convert Kilometers to Inches

What is the conversion factor between kilometers and inches?

A conversion factor is used to change the units of a measured quantity without changing its value. It represents the ratio (or fraction) that expresses the relationship between two different units. A conversion factor is always equal to 1.

The relationship between kilometers and inches is 2.54e-5, such as:

1 in = 2.54e-5 km

Following the formula above, we can see that there are 2.54e-5 inches for every kilometer, and for every inch, there are 2.54e-5 kilometers (2.54e-5 km).

To convert from kilometers to inches, we turn our formula into a conversion factor that is equal to 1.

1 in2.54e-5 km = 2.54e-5 km1 in= 1

Both these fractions are equal to 1. The numerator and the denominator are equivalent, they are just expressed in different units.

Because we are converting from kilometer to inch, we will use the first fraction: 1 in2.54e-5 km so that kilometers are canceled out. We then multiply the value in kilometers by this fraction to get the result in inches (see example).

Note that km is in the denominator (bottom) of the conversion factor. This is important, you always want to have the unit you are converting from at the bottom and the unit you are converting to in the numerator (top).

Conversion factor = Unit you are converting toUnit you are converting from

You will find below how to use this ratio to convert from km to in. Just remember for now that the conversion factor for converting from kilometers to inches is:

1 in2.54e-5 km

Which is bigger, a kilometer or an inch?

When it comes to measurements, there can be some confusion over which is bigger, a kilometer or an inch. To find out which one is larger, we must first convert one unit to the other and then compare them.

  • 1 km = 12.54e-5 in = 39370.07874 in
  • 39370.1 inches is bigger than 1 inch.
  • 1 kilometer is, therefore, bigger than 1 inch.
  • To be more specific, an inch is 39370.1 times smaller than a kilometer.

kilometers to inches conversion table

1 km39370.1 in11 km433071 in
2 km78740.2 in12 km472441 in
3 km118110 in13 km511811 in
4 km157480 in14 km551181 in
5 km196850 in15 km590551 in
6 km236220 in16 km629921 in
7 km275591 in17 km669291 in
8 km314961 in18 km708661 in
9 km354331 in19 km748031 in
10 km393701 in20 km787402 in

1–20 of 100

How to convert kilometers to inches?

Multiplying any value by 1 will get you the same value back. You can do that one time or multiple times.

For example:

  • 29 x 1 = 29
  • 910 x 1 x 1 x 1 = 910

Multiplying by 1 is the first step in any unit conversion problem. The second step is to replace the number 1 with the conversion factor that is also equal to 1.

For example, if we want to convert 0.000254 kilometers into inches we multiply 0.000254 km by the conversion factor of 1 in2.54e-5 km

0.000254 km = 0.000254 km x 1 = 0.000254 km x 1 in2.54e-5 km = 10 in

By replacing the number 1 with the conversion factor, kilometers are canceled out and we get the result in inches. And since the conversion factor is equal to 1, multiplying it with the original value won't change its magnitude and will only change its unit.

Based on this, we can conclude that 0.000254 kilometers are equal to 10 inches.


  • When converting from kilometers to inches, we use 1 in2.54e-5 km as a conversion factor.

Practice: kilometers to inches conversion

Try answering the following questions without using our custom conversion calculator. Knowing how to convert manually between kilometers and inches could prove to be useful, so give it a shot. Once you are confident you can convert kilometers to inches, there is no harm then in taking full advantage of the tools available to you.

How to convert 100 kilometers to inches?

We multiply 100 by the factor of 1

100 km = 100 km x 1

We replace the number 1 with the conversion factor for kilometers to inches

100 km = 100 km x 1 in2.54e-5 km

We multiply 100 kilometers by the conversion factor. Having kilometers in the denominator allows us to cancel out the undesired units (km) leaving only inches in the final result.

100 km = 100 km x 1 in2.54e-5 km
100 km = 100 x 12.54e-5 in
100 km = 3.93701e+6 in

Answer: There are 3.93701e+6 inches in 100 kilometers

How many inches are in 370 kilometers?

Multiply 370 by the conversion factor. Make sure the unwanted unit (km) is in the denominator.

370 km = 370 km x 1 in2.54e-5 km

This allows us to cancel out the kilometers (km) and leave the inches (in)

370 km = 370 km x 1 in2.54e-5 km
370 km = 370 x 12.54e-5 in
370 km = 1.45669e+7 in

Answer: There are 1.45669e+7 inches in 370 kilometers

inches to kilometers conversion

kilometers conversion

Convert from Kilometers (km):

Convert to Kilometers (km):

inches conversion

Convert from Inches (in):

Convert to Inches (in):

length conversion